Ed Edmonds Lic.Ac MBAcC Dip MSc
Ed is co founder of the Natural Healthcare Centre with his wife Rhona, our medical herbalist.
Ed has been involved in Natural Therapy for over 25 years, with 20 of those being based in Pembrokeshire, after he launched The Natural Healthcare Centre in 1994.
Ed is qualified in Acupuncture, Cosmetic Acupuncture, Reflexology, Remedial Massage & Manipulation Science and Anger Management.
Ed has also trained in Meditation, self awareness and personal development. With a broad range of skills and extensive life experience Ed uses his large amount of knowledge from all areas to help people gain good health and well being. His aim is to help people help themselves gain the most they can from life.
Ed Edmonds is available for public speaking at private events and in a corporate setting, he also runs courses in Anger Management, Stress Busting and inter-workplace relationship building.